5 Reasons to Get a New Job NOW!

Are you hesitant to get a new job or start a new career? Don’t wait! Now is the perfect time to find a new job! Below are the top 5 reasons to start your new job NOW:

1. We’re in an Employee Market

With the current unemployment benefits, there is a workforce shortage. That is good news for employees! That means you have many options for your next job and employers are offering more than ever to attract new employees.

However, this employee market won’t last for long as employment benefits end so now is the time to find a new job! Tip: Have a top list of potential employers and make a pro & con list to decide which opportunity will work best for you!

2. Lack of Competition

In the current market, less individuals are applying for jobs. That means you have a better chance to receive offers for multiple positions! In addition, you are more likely to receive offers for higher skilled positions. However, you might not be in the same position in the coming months when unemployment benefits expire.

3. Employee Pay has Increased

In order to attract potential employees, pay wages have increased! Jobs that previously paid $10 – $12 per hour are now paying $15 – $20 per hour! Additionally, employers have started offering more attractive benefits. If you wait too long to find your new job, pay rates might begin to decrease as unemployment benefits end and more candidates start to apply.

4. More Opportunities, Less Skills

With the workforce shortage, employers are more open to hiring individuals with less experience / skills. If you have been on the fence applying for a certain job because you don’t meet all the requirements, bite the bullet and apply now!

Employers are now more willing to train and are more interested in finding individuals who are reliable and have good attitudes towards learning!

5. New Career Opportunities

If you have considered making a career change or trying a new industry, now is the best time! A lot of skills from pervious jobs can be utilized in various industries. With the hospitality/service industry struggling due to the pandemic, growth opportunities in that field has decreased. However, the manufacturing and warehouse industries have grown, and they offer more growth opportunities for your future.

If you’re looking to change careers and don’t know where to start, contact Job1USA today! We have helped tens of thousands of individuals find amazing job opportunities ranging from entry level to skilled labor! Visit Careers.Job1USA.com to explore our jobs or contact us today at Job1USA.com/contact!